Sunday, June 03, 2007

The Song In My Head . . . . . .

I've developed the habit of singing in my head, depending on the mood I'm in. When I get up in the morning, there's always a song there. My favorite song in the morning when I'm getting ready for work is, "Get Me to the Church On Time." But I've changed it to "Get Me to Work On Time".

The song now goes like this:

"I'm getting to work in the morning,
Ding, dong the alarm is gonna chime.
We'll have a whopper, pull out the stopper,
I'm getting me to work on time.

I've got to get there in the morning,
Spruced up and looking in my prime.
Pull out your compass, kick up a rumpus,
I'm getting me to work on time.

If I'm dancing roll up the floor,
I'll be whistling right out the door!

Yes, I'm getting to work in the morning,
Ding, dong the alarm is gonna chime.
I'm pulling all my stoppers,
I'm gonna kick a rumpus,
Oh, I'm getting me to work on time.

At my age, I need to do this to program my mind. It works. It sets
the mood and gets me through the day.

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